"Dua of a Mother"
A doctor mentioned: Someone once suffered a major heart attack and there was no hope of him living for much longer. His mother was sat at his bedside and made a du’a which those present were able to hear. “O Allah!”, she beseeched, “I am pleased with my son. I ask You to also be pleased with him.” She continued praying for him as doctors administered treatment. When his final moments arrived, her son recited the kalimah aloud, a smile beamed across his face and his soul left his body.
young man screamed during his final moments
A young man’s kidneys once failed, so he was admitted into hospital. His state was dire. When the time of his death approached (i.e. when his soul was being extracted), distressing sounds could be heard from his mouth and nose. His face would become blue, and his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.
He remained in this state for two days. These distressing sounds eventually developed into terrifying screams, which started to cause other patients on the ward to run away. He was then moved to a separate room some distance away from the ward.
His father said to the doctors, “Administer a fatal injection to him so that he dies. We cannot bear to see him like this.” When asked the reason behind his son’s condition, the father responded with disgust, “This person would hit his mother in order to please his wife, and I would stop him. It appears he is being punished for that now.” After remaining in this terrible state for three days, he passed away.
The reward of an accepted hajj by parents
Dear Islamic brothers! The status afforded to parents is indeed lofty. Their du’as for their children are accepted. One must strive to keep them happy and earn a place in their prayers. Their happiness leads to one’s faith being preserved, whilst their displeasure can result in it being ruined. Those obedient to their parents always remain prosperous and content. No matter where they are in the world, they draw blessings from the du’as of their parents.
The power of a mother's dua
There is no doubt fulfilling the rights of parents is extremely difficult. Yet one must strive to this end throughout their life, and avoid upsetting them. Those who cause pain to their parents suffer terrible consequences in this world.
What we can do
We have been raised to believe in doing the right thing, we are excited to introduce this ethics course to understand more about how to make good decisions and how to behave with parents and elders.